How long will it take to reach my weight-loss goals?
Since each person has different goals, discipline levels and body types, there is no concrete time frame. It all depends on you.
What does low Glycemic Index mean?
The Glycemix Index (GI) is the rate at which your body breaks down carbohydrates. Low glycemic carbohydrates break down slowly in the body — releasing glucose and insulin slowly. These low glycemic carbs help control hunger levels and mood swings.
Am I going to be hungry all the time?
No! With your low-GI diet, glucose level fluctuations are minimal — leaving the body feeling fuller for longer. We also prescribe FDA-approved, pharmacy-grade appetite suppressants to help alleviate hunger and hunger pains.
Can I eat the foods I enjoy?
At WeightSmart MD, we believe that everything is okay in moderation. Of course, the more you stick to the prescribed diet plan, the faster you will meet your weight-loss goals.
Will I be tired?
A stable blood glucose level results in more energy. Other benefits of a stable blood glucose level include mental clarity, improved immune defense & disease prevention, and better overall moods. We also supply B-12 injections to further boost energy levels.
Can I have fruit?
Yes, our low-GI diet includes fruit. We will provide you with a list of low-GI fruits.
Can I eat red meat?
We recommend lean cuts — no more than 2 or 3 times per week.
Do I have to eliminate fried foods or alcohol?
These foods should be avoided. Alcohol should be consumed in moderation, if at all.